How can you improve your metabolism?
Weight watchers all over the world are on a quest to boost their metabolism. But how quickly your body burns off calories is dependent on several factors. Some people are born with a fast metabolism. Even when they are resting, men tend to burn more calorie than women. After age 40, the metabolism of most people slows down. There are ways to boost your metabolism, even if you cannot control your age or gender. Here are ten of them.
Build Muscle
Even when you are not doing anything, your body is constantly burning calories. The resting metabolic rate of people who have more muscle is higher. Each pound uses 6 calories per day to maintain itself. However, each pound fat only burns 2 calories. This small difference can accumulate over time. Strength training activates muscles all over the body. This increases your metabolic rate.
Step up Your Workout
Aerobic exercise does not necessarily build large muscles but can boost your metabolism for hours afterward. It’s important to push yourself. Exercises of high intensity result in a greater and longer increase in the resting metabolic rate compared to low or moderate intensity workouts. Try a higher intensity class in the gym, or add short bursts to your normal walk.
Fuel up with Water
Water is needed to help your body process calories. Your Metabolism can slow down if you are mildly dehydrated. Adults who consumed eight glasses or more of water per day burned more calories in one study than those who only drank four. Drink a glass or two of water, or any other non-sweetened beverage, before each meal and snack to stay hydrated. Fresh fruits and vegetables are a great snack, as they contain water naturally.
Why Should you try energy drinks?
Energy drinks contain ingredients that can boost your metabolism. Caffeine is a key ingredient, increasing the energy that your body uses. Taurine, an amino acid, is sometimes found in them. Taurine may speed up metabolism and help you burn fat. These drinks may cause high blood pressure and anxiety in some people. The American Academy of Pediatrics does not recommend these drinks for children and teenagers.
Snack Smart
Eating more frequently can help you lose fat. Your metabolism will slow down if you eat big meals and wait a long time between them. A small snack or meal every 3-4 hours will keep your metabolism going, allowing you to burn more calories throughout the day. A number of studies have shown that people who regularly snack eat less when they eat at mealtime.
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Spice up your meals
Spicy foods contain natural chemicals that can boost your metabolism. You can increase your metabolism by adding a tablespoon of red or green chili powder to food. It’s temporary but the effects may accumulate if you consume spicy food regularly. Red pepper flakes can be added to pasta, chili and stews for a quick boost.
Power up with Protein
You burn more calories when you eat protein, compared to carbohydrates or fat. In a balanced meal, substituting some carbohydrates with foods rich in lean protein can increase metabolism. Lean beef, turkey fish, white chicken meat, tofu and beans are all good sources of protein.
Enjoy a Black Coffee
You probably get a lot of energy and concentration from coffee. If you drink coffee in moderation, it may boost your metabolism for a short time. Caffeine may help you to feel less tired, and can even improve your endurance when you exercise.
Green Tea Recharge Your Batteries
Green tea and oolong are both rich in caffeine, which has been shown to boost metabolism for several hours. Drinking 2 to 4 cups per day of either green tea or oolong tea can help the body burn an additional 17% calories when doing moderately intense exercises for a short period.
Avoid Crash Diets
Crash diets, which involve eating less than 1,200 calories (for women) or 1,800 calories (for men) per day are not good for those who want to speed up their metabolism. These diets can help you lose weight, but they do so at the cost of your nutrition. It can also backfire, as you may lose muscle mass, which slows down your metabolism. Your body will burn fewer calories, and gain weight faster after the diet.
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