With every passing day the usage of skin care products keep soaring to the sky. Every person is looking for young, healthy, and flawless skin, but it’s becoming more of a daunting task than ever before.
With so much misinformation and unsearched opinions on social media, how we can be sure that we’re on the right track and what are the common skin care mistakes we should avoid when going to dermatology clinic in JLT Dubai.
8 Mistakes to Avoid When Going to Dermatology Clinic in JLT Dubai:
Let’s take a look at some of the common skin care mistakes that are destroying your skin rather than helping to achieve the skin care goals.
Constantly Switching Products:
Some people often try every product they come across or someone suggests a product saying that “this product did wonders for my skin’s health”, we need to understand that every person is different and as is their skin.
If you find a product that works best for you, be sure to stick with it and don’t switch to some other product without consulting with your dermatologist.
Switching Doctors:
As I mentioned earlier you and your skin type are unique, and your dermatologist needs time to understand your skin and come up with a customized skin care routine that’ll only work best for your skin type.
When you switch to another routine or doctor you’ll need to go through all that time taking process of diagnosing and devising a treatment plan for you, and even after all that hassle you can’t be sure that the treatment will result in any improvement in your skin.
Isn’t it better to stick with your dermatologist that understand your skin and can devise a better treatment routine for you? Just think about it!
Skipping the Appointments:
If you are not consistent with your appointments you’re most likely making your problems worse. When you are consistent with your appointments you can be sure that any changes in your skin condition won’t pass unnoticed and untreated.
As the dermatologists Clinic in JLT Dubai keep a close eye on your skin and make changes in the treatment accordingly.
Too Much Fast Food:
The excessive oil content in fast foods result in oily skin, pimples, severe acne, and much more. Furthermore, when we eat fast food, it makes us feel full very quickly.
But in reality, we are sabotaging our metabolism, you may have noticed that you often start craving for more of those mouthwatering burgers and fries not long after you eat fast food.
Sleeping With Makeup On:
You should always remove makeup before going to sleep, as makeup block your pores and traps the pollution and oil inside the skin which leads to skin inflammation, acne, pimples, and skin irritation.
Furthermore, Added artificial colors and fragrances in some skin care products cause allergic reaction if you have sensitive skin. Also don’t forget to apply some moisturizer or rose water after removing makeup to prevent dryness and help rejuvenate the skin.
Smoking and Drinking:
You may have noticed that excessive smokers or drinker have problem such as, dark lips, dry skin, and shortness of breath. Tobacco and alcohol have powerful drying effect causing dehydration which in turn makes your skin contract and age prematurely.
Over Removal of Dead Skin:
Exfoliation is a great way to remove the dead skin when you’ve spend a hard day in the dazzling sun or travelled in the dusty environment. But moderation is the key to success.
When we over-exfoliate the skin it damages the skin barrier and causes acne. Over use of exfoliating cleansers and hard brushes results in enlarged pores which later on transforms into the oily skin.
Be sure to exfoliate moderately and avoid using harsh chemicals on your skin as it can severely compromise the protective layer of the skin.
Self-Diagnosing the Skin Problems:
Often time people do a little google search of their symptoms and try to figure out the potential medical condition they might have. Not only it is bad, but it can make their condition even worse.
Results provided by search engines are not always backed up by the professional dermatologist and you can’t be sure of their legitimacy. Saving money on one little treatment can even result in expenditures of the life time. So be sure to make informed decisions and don’t run towards the dangerous shortcuts.
Final Thought
I hope this article will help you make better choices and avoid these mistakes when going to dermatology clinic in JLT Dubai.
Keep in mind that making health choices is always better than treatment, never compromise on your sleeping cycles and proper diet. As more than half of skin care depends on healthy food habits and hygienic conditions provided to your skin.